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3D Product Rendering

Take your product designs worldwide with amazing visuals.



Put simply, 3D product rendering, is the use of computer rendering programs to create CGI (computer-generated imagery). It is the process where a 3D artist takes a 3D model and turns it into a 2D image. These images can be used for many reasons. Primarily as marketing assets for advertising campaigns. 



CGI product rendering is a cheaper alternative to photography. Images that would never have been possible are now easily visualised without a photography studio.



Product Designs are created in 3D modelling software and then visualised by adding materials and lighting. This creates a photorealistic or nonphotorealistic representation of the subject. During the early stages of the design process, product design renderings can be made to tell the story, which allows marketers to sell the product well before production.

Order your product 3D rendering services.





Product manufacturers

Professional 3D renders are used by product manufacturers for many different reasons. Firstly, products can be visualised well before the final product is manufactured. Secondly, images can be shared across social media to gain traction for the new product design release. Taking pre-orders is always a bonus. In addition, multiple different configurations of the product can be seen quickly, including as many different colour combinations as can be thought. As well as materials studies to see what will look the best!

Similarly, product designers use high-quality 3D rendering services to present their design ideas. While sketching can only get designers so far, the next stage of the design process needs a 3D approach. Showing various concepts for one project to get approved quickly and push forward to the next stage.

Likewise, product marketers need creative visuals to sell the product, most importantly, marketing the idea comes second to none. Above all, if no one knows about your product then no one will buy it and by harnessing 3D rendering with a mix of graphic design, amazing marketing images and videos can be created with no limit to the creativity, as you would get from photography.




reduce in returns.

Shopify has found that there has been a 40% reduction in returns after implementing 3D visualisation.


conversion lifts.

Shopify has found that adding a video improves conversion rates by 60%, while adding 3D Visualisation improves conversions by 94%, on average.

Reference: Sayduck


Use Cases.

Social media
Improve your brand reputation with social media advertising mixed with Architectural Visuals. While people are always scrolling through Instagram and also may be looking for a new property, these are one of the top places to use Architectural Renderings to catch the eye of some potential clients.
Catalogues & magazines
Product renders are used on magazines and catalogues to display products in a realistic and aesthetically pleasing ways not limited to physical studio set ups. They can also be used to create a professional and high-end look for the magazine or catalogue.
Product renders are often high-resolution images that look realistic and help to draw the attention of passers-by to the billboard. They can be used to highlight the features and benefits of a product or service, and can also be used to create a strong visual impact and to help people remember the product or service.
Online shops
To give the target audience an authentic and realistic image of the goods, online stores use product renderings. To help clients grasp the product better, product renderings can depict it from several perspectives, in a variety of colours, and with accurate lighting and shadows.






Project Checklist.

Although companies do not need all of the above, these will make the project much smoother.





There is a range of 3D applications for products that are being used in the days of online shopping. To create a better online experience for customers, the applications below are essential to boost your sales.

product colourways.

Product colourways or colour selectors, are helpful for designs that have multiple different colours or textures. The same camera can be used and rendered in various colours, allowing businesses to showcase the full range of colours and enhancing customer experience.


Product Animations.

Particularly when putting together an advertising or crowdfunding campaign, creating a product animation video can provide a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Educating potential investors or users to understand your product
  • Demonstrating mechanisms and moving parts
  • Showcasing your product and what makes it unique
  • Increasing overall engagement with the product
  • Impressing potential investors and increase the perception of your product

3D Product Turntables.

360-degree product turntable renders, which produces high-quality 360 images of your products, allows you to provide your consumer with an engaging and interactive experience. They will get a true sense of your product’s quality. This confidence in your product’s quality will help win the sale.

Interactive 3D Visuals.

Web-ready, touch-enabled visuals that can be embedded anywhere on your website, or even sent via emails to potential clients or customers with an array of unique features that will not have been seen by many. Give that WOW factor to your product.

Product interactive can be used for visual marketing allowing customers to interact with products in a digital environment. They can be used to increase customer engagement, improve customer experience, and reduce returns and exchanges. Some common techniques for creating product interactive visuals include 3D product rendering, product configurators, and augmented reality.

Product 360 Spherical Experience.

Push beyond a simple product turntable, and have a full 360° spherical view to show clients the full view of your products. Product 360° spherical still renderings are a type of product rendering that captures a product from all angles. They can be used to provide customers with a more immersive and interactive way to view products and can be helpful for products that are difficult to visualize in traditional 2D images. Product rendering stills can be created for products that do not yet exist, or for products that are difficult or impossible to photograph. They can also be created with any level of detail, from simple representations to highly realistic images.

Product Augmented Reality.

Product augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world. It can be used to allow customers to visualize products in their own environment, try on products virtually, or get information about products. Product AR can help to increase customer engagement, improve the customer experience, and reduce returns and exchanges. It is still a relatively new technology, but it is growing in popularity and has the potential to revolutionize the way we shop.

Have you ever seen the Pokemon Go app? Well if not give it a go, this type of CGI can be done with your product! Mobile-ready AR for when you need the transfer of 3D assets or an interactive 3D, mobile viewing experience.

Product Configurators.

This product 3D service, called online product configurators are applications that allow customers to customize products before they purchase them. This can be done by selecting different options, such as the product’s colour, size, or materials. The configurator will then show the customer a preview of the customized product. Online product configurators can help businesses to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce costs. They are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a number of benefits to both companies and customers. We have different solutions for this, some using still 3D images and others using live 3D rendering.



What is rendering for products?

3D product rendering is the process of creating a 2D image from a 3D model of a product. This can be used to create images of products that do not yet exist or images of existing products that are more visually appealing or accurate than photographs.

For 3D rendering product images, a number of software packages are available, including Keyshot, Autodesk 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, and SolidWorks. We can work with a wide range of platforms, but we commonly prefer working with .step files. These rendering software are very expensive so it’s always good to consult a rendering company with many years of experience for any projects you require.

A basic high-quality 3D product image typically takes two to three hours, depending on rendering time. To accomplish this, we must thoroughly understand the product, its function, and the intended audience. There is never too much information when it comes to project briefs. Lifestyles images tend to take a lot longer and can take up to a day or more to complete depending on the complexity of the image.

Once the project is completed and the invoice is settled, you will own the full rights to the rendered images.

The cost of 3D product rendering can vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The complexity of the product model
  • The number of images or animations required
  • The level of detail required
  • The turnaround time required
  • The experience and expertise of the 3D rendering company

Read a more in-depth guide on product rendering costs.

Here are some best practices for 3D product rendering:

  • Use a high-quality 3D model.
  • Set up the lighting and materials carefully.
  • Place the product in a realistic environment.
  • Optimize the render settings for the desired level of quality.
  • Post-process the image or animation as needed.

To put it practically, this technology allows businesses to create compelling visual content that is interactive without even having a prototype. This helps save cost and fastens the marketing & refinement processes because any changes can be done in the digital model prior to commencing physical production.

Additionally, AI-based rendering tools usually come with other advanced capabilities such as simulation of various lighting scenarios, textures and settings. As a result, this technique is useful in generating more realistic and attractive product images for different types of promotional materials, e-commerce sites, and VR applications. It also works best when one desires customized visual presentations based on customer’s requirements or wants to know how something would look like in different environments.

AI can be applied at different stages of product rendering:

  1. Material and Texture Generation: AI algorithms can analyze existing materials and textures to generate new ones that closely resemble real-world materials. This helps in creating more lifelike renders without the need for manual tweaking.

  2. Lighting Optimisation: AI can intelligently adjust lighting conditions in a scene to achieve the desired mood and realism. This includes simulating natural lighting effects, such as shadows and reflections, to enhance the visual appeal of the rendered product.

  3. Noise Reduction: Rendering high-quality images often involves dealing with noise or graininess, especially in complex scenes. AI-based denoising techniques can reduce noise while preserving image details, resulting in smoother and cleaner renders.

  4. Automated Scene Composition: AI algorithms can analyze product designs and automatically generate aesthetically pleasing compositions for rendering. This includes determining camera angles, object placement, and overall scene layout to highlight key features of the product.

  5. Real-time Rendering: AI-powered rendering engines can enable real-time visualization of product designs, allowing for quick iterations and interactive exploration. This is particularly useful in collaborative design processes and client presentations.

Overall, AI product rendering streamlines the rendering workflow reduces manual effort, and improves the quality and realism of rendered images, helping businesses showcase their products more effectively for marketing and promotional purposes.

You're only one step away from better visuals.

You're only one step away from better visuals.

You're only one step away from better visuals.

You're only one step away from better visuals.

You're only one step away from better visuals.

You're only one step away from better visuals.

You're only one step away from better visuals.